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What's Going On?


Edited by Ezra Sohar

ACPR Publishers, (Hebrew), 2002, 111 pages


Trying to determine what is really going on here, this book takes a look at basic facts about the State of Israel throughout history. The book is divided into the following chapters: The Past, The Mandate, Israel's Wars, Following 1967, The Israeli "Left", The PLO and the Terror.

These topics are explored and explained by experts in their fields, including:

Yuval Arnon-Ohana, Christopher Barder, Eviatar Ben-Zedeff, David Bukay, David Eichenbaum, Yoram Ettinger, Boaz Ganor, Eliyahu Green, Nadav Ha'Etzni, Eilon Jarden, Shmuel Katz, Aharon Levran, Yisrael Medad, Steven Plaut, Moshe Shamir, Shlomo Sharan, Moshe Sharon, Ezra Sohar, Arieh Stav, Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto.